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If You Have Never Seen "Star Wars" Before

Glad you asked!

Star Wars is coming out this weekend!

You probably never get the jokes or feel connected when people use Star Wars references IRL.

Empty a box of wine into a trash can when someone starts talking about a jedi, R2D2, or the hairy chewbacca thing.

Since this movie has probably taken all your friends, family and Christmas away from you this weekend, grab a travel magazine and paste photos of you next to hot models in a fabulous vacation collage.

If you're not being dragged to see the movie this weekend, throw a party with your other friends who don't care!

There are also way cooler movies being released this weekend.

Of course whenever someone finds out you haven't seen any of the movies they want to start a movie marathon rally. IF you must compromise there's only one movie to watch: Spaceballs.

Basically just remain united in our zero-fucks-given bliss.

This post was inspired by joygcummings from Facebook. BuzzFeed loves you!