21 Pictures That Prove How Bizarre Our World Is


    We asked the BuzzFeed Community for their favorite article headlines of all time. Here are the funny-as-hell results.

    1. This iconic moment in presidential history:

    2. This unfortunate new rule:

    3. This dad who should've paced himself:

    4. This shitstorm:

    5. This woman who was just doing what she needed to do:

    6. This dildo disaster:

    7. The moment we've all experienced:

    8. This guy who's just a mess:

    9. The best couple fight ever:

    10. The moment you fell in love with Fergie Ferg:

    11. The article you never knew you needed:

    12. This dedicated owner:

    13. This insane situation:

    14. ??????

    15. The pepperoni police:

    16. This incredible dilemma:

    17. This small horse that needs to be potty-trained:

    18. This guy who learned his lesson the hard way:

    19. This lady who just wanted some peace and quiet:

    20. These Mary Jane-loving furry babies:

    21. And this poor old man, who just wanted to send some damn letters:

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