18 Things “Unladylike” Women Are Sick Of Hearing

    I'll do whatever I want.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community what they were tired of hearing about being unladylike. Here are the results that'll make you roll your eyes.

    1. "Why do you curse so much?"

    2. "Burping and farting isn't very classy."

    3. "Laughing and snorting so loudly isn't very polite."

    4. "Gross, you really shouldn't be showing off your legs if you aren't going to shave."

    5. "Why are you so damn sarcastic all the time?"

    6. "I'm surprised you ordered a beer instead of a fruity drink!"

    7. "You really shouldn't slouch so much, dear."

    8. "You're never going to get a man if you keep sharing your opinions so blatantly."

    9. "Not being able to cook is seriously unattractive."

    10. "Real ladies keep their legs closed while sitting in public."

    11. "How can such a big sneeze come out of someone so little?"

    12. "Real ladies don't challenge men. Ever."

    13. "Getting a tattoo will ruin your precious skin."

    14. "Ladies who say they like playing sports are so fake."

    15. "Interrupting other people isn't how classy ladies act."

    16. "A true lady doesn’t discuss her sex life."

    17. "Girls don't poop. Stop talking about it."

    18. And of course, “How can you eat so much food? You're a girl.”

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