26 Stories That Prove Dads Must Be Protected At All Costs

    "My dad is a clown. Like he's straight up circus clown in his spare time."

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community about the weird hobbies their dads have. Here are their charmingly strange responses:

    1. This linen stan:

    2. This channel surfer:

    3. This unwrapping addict:

    4. This soul cycler:

    5. This daring pilot:

    6. This tender mechanic:

    7. This passionate mower:

    8. This colorful comedian:

    9. This decorative forger:

    10. This spicy aficionado:

    11. This student of the YouTubes:

    12. This dedicated collector:

    13. This very handy sir:

    14. This catfisher:

    15. This jazzy puzzler:

    16. This master of macabre:

    17. This penny papa:

    18. This classic dude:

    19. This generous baker:

    20. This high flyer:

    21. This mini house hunter:

    22. This fancy brewer:

    23. This writing nerd:

    24. This chicken father:

    25. This gourdener:

    26. And this tender florist:

    Want to be featured on BuzzFeed? Follow the BuzzFeed Community on Facebook and Twitter.

    Note: submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.