20 Life Hacks Women Swear By That You Should Probably Know, Too

    "I’m a chronically late person, and I have lost track of the number of times this has saved me over the years."

    Every couple of months, I ask the wonderful, genius women* of the BuzzFeed Community to share their favorite go-to life hacks that have made their lives 1,000 times easier. So get your notepad out, because here are 20 tips they absolutely swear by:

    *While these hacks are shared by people who identify as women, these hacks can be for anyone, regardless of how you identify! Life hack on, y'all!

    1. "I sew my adjustable bra straps in place at the right size. No more straps always pulling looser and slipping off my shoulders."

    "sew in place"

    2. "Baby wipes ARE so underrated. GENTLER and cheaper than makeup removal wipes!!!! Also good for gently cleaning antiques!"


    3. "Keep an extra pair of socks with your extra pair of shoes in your car, especially during winter/rainy season. There is nothing worse than being stuck in soaked shoes all day. Also, keep a gallon Ziploc bag on hand to easily transport anything that does get wet, like clothes or even an umbrella."


    4. "Makeup remover wipes work well for getting hair dye off your face (whether you do it yourself or go to a salon, there's usually some dye that gets transferred onto the skin)."

    A woman dyeing her roots

    5. "Always have hydrogen peroxide in your home. It works the best to get blood out of clothes and/or bedding. (We've all had that happen to us during that time of the month.)"


    6. "I carry what I call my 'criminal kit.' It’s got all the essentials I'd need in case I were to get stranded for a night or have to run out of the house quickly: a charger, wipes, makeup essentials, a hair brush, a little bit of cash, etc. I’m a chronically late person, and I have lost track of the number of times it’s saved me over the years."


    7. "Buy men’s cardigans. They are WAY more comfortable than women’s and a better value. They’re so much thicker and warmer."

    A model wearing a green cardigan

    8. "Acetone (aka nail polish remover) can help remove superglue residue if any gets on your fingers. It can help soften and (slowly) dissolve superglue off other surfaces, too, but be careful because it can also damage them. I HAVE successfully used it to remove superglue from fabric, both a jersey knit top and a pair of blue jeans, but the acetone did take off a tiny bit of the indigo dye from the jeans. (In my case, not enough to be noticeable, but dye removal is a risk. But if you'd have to throw out the garment anyway, it's probably worth trying.)"

    "Just be careful about ventilation because it can take a few minutes and multiple applications with a cotton ball to dissolve the glue fully or soften it enough to rub it off." —etconner

    9. "Always have double sided tape. It comes in handy for everything — hemming dresses and pants, making sure your dress stays closed, keeping a strap on your shoulder. I've used it to make my shoes stay on. I've even used it as a make-shift Band-Aid before, temporarily. Endless uses."


    10. "I have Crocs that I keep in a Ziploc gallon bag for travel/work. As an outside sales rep, I used to walk A LOT. They make a simple, ballet-flat style croc I swear by. They're cute enough that I’ve worn them on dates, it doesn’t matter. They’re LIGHTWEIGHT, efficient, and comfy."

    Croc ballet slippers

    11. "I keep a beach towel in my car at all times. Endless uses, especially for kids."

    "Need something to change a baby on? Beach towel. Kid went through every change of clothes? Wrap them in a beach towel. Puked or spilled on the car seat? Wipe it up and then line it with the dry beach towel. Somebody needs a light blanket? Need something to picnic on? Beach towel for both. Need to change in the car for your kid’s little league game? Cover with a beach towel for privacy. Toddler needs somewhere to nap during older sibling’s game? Are the bleachers too hot, cold, or hard? Sit on a beach towel. Soaked going from office to car? Need to eat in the car on the way to an important meeting or speaking engagement? Ta-da, now it’s an adult bib. Works for everything." —Anonymous

    12. "I always keep an emergency dress in my trunk. Everyone makes fun of me for it, but it can go casual or dressy and has helped many a time when I’m traveling! Highly recommend."


    13. "Keep earplugs in your purse. Loops have saved my life. At a concert and it’s too loud? Chewing in theaters bothering you? Kids screaming in a public place? Ear plugs make it bearable."

    A woman modeling earplugs

    14. "Wet Ones brand hand wipes (which come in little packets or in a canister like Clorox wipes) actually work REALLY well for cleaning fresh spills off of clothing and upholstery."

    "I discovered this by accident once when I spilled a milkshake on the seat of a rental car on my way to turn it in. I stopped at a tiny little convenience store on the next block and looked frantically for some kind of cleaning spray, but the only non-powder or solid cleaning product I could find was a canister of Wet Ones hand wipes. They ended up working BETTER than any of the products I was trying to find, thoroughly cleaning the car upholstery without leaving any residue or discoloration/bleaching. (And the damp spot dries quickly, too.)

    Now I buy the canisters for my home purely for immediate stain removal, and carry a packet with me in my bag." —etconner

    15. "I have a ton of allergies to different medications. I made a 'business card' listing all the meds I can't take, plus my medical history, surgeries, doctors, and their phone numbers, etc., and keep it in my wallet. Doctors and nurses love my card and have said many times they wished other patients would do this."

    "Being deathly allergic to all IV dyes makes it imperative that my card is with me whenever I leave the house. I gave cards to my family, too. You can never be too careful, IMO." —babycapricorn129

    16. "The skin under your eyes is like crepe paper (you know, the streamers from kids' birthday parties). Don't stretch the skin out, or when you're older, it will look like stretched crepe paper. Always be gentle and dab lotion on. Also, never wipe from inside of your eye, outwards. Always go outside in. That helps with stretching the undereye skin, too."

    A model applying eye cream

    17. "Always keep a roll of paper towels and plastic forks in your car. It might seem silly, but I can’t count the number of times restaurants don’t include them with takeout orders. The paper towels have endless uses as well!"


    18. "Put your advance healthcare directive, a list of current medical and health conditions, and a list of your medications in your glove compartment, and LABEL IT. If you are in an accident, medical and law enforcement may not access your wallet. Keep it up to date."


    19. "Keep Benadryl and a sample-size perfume on you when flying. One time a plane ride triggered an allergy of mine, and Benadryl saved me, plus it helps you sleep on long flights. Perfume helps if you spray a SMALL amount on your plane pillow or the arm of your sleeve. The trick is to make it so only you can smell it (sweatshirt hood/arm/pillow/mask). Sometimes people who aren’t big on hygiene sit next to you, or the bathroom is stinky. It saved me on a nine-hour flight sitting behind a whole family that took their shoes off (pre-mask era)."

    Screenshot from "SNL" of people sitting on a plane

    20. And finally, "In a pinch, you can use your car floor mats for traction underneath your tires if you get stuck on an icy road. Wedge them under your front wheels if you have front-wheel drive or your back wheels if you have rear-wheel drive. Don't floor it or you will spin your wheels. Instead, press your accelerator as if you are trying to go 5 mph. This and kitty litter are my go-to solutions."

    alohacali and christines4fb3be872

    Have a life hack we missed? Tell us about it in the comments below or via this anonymous form.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Did you enjoy these hacks? You can read more of them here, here, and here.