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This Career Aptitude Test Only Needs 18 Questions To Pair You With The 6 Jobs You're Most Suited For Based On Your Personality

When a BuzzFeed quiz confirms that you did, in fact, pick the right major. πŸ˜ŒπŸ’…

Here's how this quiz works:Β 

Based on how you answer these 18 questions, this quiz will sort you into one of the six groups. Each question will be presented to you on a scale. If you feel really strongly, go ahead and move the marker all the way to that answer. If you feel that your stance falls between the two options, place the slider somewhere in the middle. The more accurate you are, the more accurate your results will be.Β 

Want to take more infinity quizzes powered by the magic of AI? You can find themΒ here!Β This post was enhanced using AI-powered creativity tools. Find out more about how our new infinity quizzes workΒ here.