There's A Shirtless, Sexy Abe Lincoln Statue And I Can't Believe It's Real

    Babe-raham Lincoln.

    I'm gonna cut right to the chase. This is an actual, real statue of a shirtless Abraham Lincoln. This is on display in a US government building.

    Look, I’ve lived in Illinois and seen a lot of Lincolns in my time but this is maybe one of the most unusual? C. 1940 sexy New Deal Lincoln at the DC Office of Public Records

    History professor MJ Rymsza-Pawlowska posted the pic on Twitter, and frankly people are not holding their shit together.

    @malgorzatar Don’t say “Lincoln Log” Don’t say “Lincoln Log” Don’t say “Lincoln Log”

    People think he looks a bit like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    @malgorzatar Is it just me or does that statue look more like Spike/James Marsters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer? James is way better looking!, hands down and could rock that leather duster!

    Or Matthew McConaughey.

    @malgorzatar @PoPville “Alright alright alright...” - Abraham Lincolnaughey

    It's bringing to light other sexy Abraham Lincoln statues out there, like this one in Chicago:

    this is the only sexy lincoln statue I recognize

    Heck, even shirtless George Washington is coming out of the woodwork.

    @malgorzatar He should hang out with Greenough’s shirtless George Washington

    I don't know why he looks like Zeus. I don't have answers for you. I'm sorry.

    SO. Apparently, according to a little article in Life from back in 1940, the statue was made by artist James Lee Hansen, who used himself as a model.

    The guy who sculpted the Sexy Lincoln statue used himself as a model, and when he won the competition to sculpt it, he used the prize money to buy "a new car, promptly wrecked it, spent 18 days in jail" Source: Life, Sept. 9, 1940

    He also bought a car with the $7,200 he earned making the statue, then wrecked the car and spent 18 days in jail. YOLO.

    The statue was housed in Los Angeles, but is currently on display in Washington, DC.

    Anyway, I take no responsibility for any future sex dreams involving Abraham Lincoln that may stem from reading this post.

    @mordkhetzvi @malgorzatar 👀👀👀👀👀