Ranking The Major "Game Of Thrones" Fan Theories, From Least To Most Likely

    Tyrion Lannister is NOT a time-traveling fetus.

    Game of Thrones is back for Season 7, and people have a LOT of theories.

    So put your tinfoil hats on, because we're going to go through all of the major fan theories, in order from least likely to most likely to happen.

    13. Tyrion is a time-traveling fetus

    12. Ned Stark is alive and a Faceless Man died in his place

    11. Jaqen H'ghar is Rhaegar Targaryen

    The theory: Rhaegar Targaryen didn’t die in that duel with Robert Baratheon; someone else did in his place, and he escaped and became a Faceless Man, then took to Arya because she reminded him of Lyanna.

    Andy: Not a chance. There are a lot of stretches here. I think someone just saw that Jaqen had a streak of light hair and decided to come up with a theory. 0/10

    Jenna: This is tinfoil AF. It doesn't make any sense to me. 0/10

    Likelihood: 0/10

    10. Syrio Forel is Jaqen H'ghar

    The theory: Syrio Forel wasn’t just a skilled swordsman from Braavos. He was actually a Faceless Man from Braavos, and fought his way out of that ambush with just a wooden sword. He then disguised himself as Jaqen H’ghar and met up with Arya several days later.

    Andy: I used to like this theory (I always thought it was odd that Syrio died off screen), but I think we would’ve seen the reveal by now if it had been true. 1/10

    Jenna: I love this theory and I wish it were true, but I think we're done with both Syrio and Jaqen's storylines at this point - in the show, at least. 1/10

    Likelihood: 1/10

    9. Jon Snow and Meera Reed are twins

    The theory: Lyanna actually had twin children at the Tower of Joy, a son and a daughter. The daughter was given to Howland Reed, who survived the duel along with Ned.

    Andy: I get that Kit Harington and Ellie Kendrick look very much alike, but I think this would really overload the Game of Thrones narrative with sets of twins. 2/10

    Jenna: Lol. The fact that this theory seems to hinge on the fact that the actors both have brown, curly hair is just not enough to convince me. 1/10

    Likelihood: 1.5/10

    8. Bran is the Night King

    The theory: Bran, believing he can stop the White Walkers in the past, wargs into the man who became the Night King at the hand of the Children of the Forest, as he saw in his previous vision. Bran is unable to stop the ritual, and becomes trapped in that body, becoming the Night King from then on.

    Andy: Though I like the horrible idea of Jon having to face off against his brother, and I do think Bran is going to continue to fuck up royally, I just don’t think this is going to happen. It is interesting that the Night King’s powers are similar to warging, but this doesn’t feel likely to me. 2/10

    Jenna: I don't get the feeling the Night King is really going to get much more of a backstory, especially one that involves Bran. I do think Bran is weirdly connected to the Night King now, thanks to that mark on his arm, and it may even cause the Wall to come down. But they're not the same person. 2/10

    Likelihood: 2/10

    7. Daenerys, the Mad Queen

    6. Bran is every Brandon

    5. Tyrion is secretly a Targaryen

    4. There's an ice dragon in the Wall

    3. Bran made Aerys II go mad

    2. Cleganebowl

    1. Jaime is the Valonqar

    Bonus round: Who is Azor Ahai?