27 Important Questions India Should Be Asking About SpiceJet Hitting A Buffalo


    A tragic incident occurred on November 6, when a Delhi-bound SpiceJet flight from Surat hit a stray buffalo on the runway, prior to take-off.

    This incident had some major consequences. The buffalo died :( And also, SpiceJet is indefinitely suspending all outgoing flights from Surat.

    Twitter, as it does, has had a field day making light of this terrible occurrence.

    SpiceJet passengers don't travel Cattle-Class. They travel Buffalo-Class

    Recipe for spicy Buffalo wings - just get a SpiceJet Flight collide with a Buffalo on the runway.

    Spicejet flight hit a buffalo on the runway? Sounds like a bovine intervention.

    BEST STORY OF THE WEEK: Spicejet plane hits a Buffalo during takeoff. Taking Buffalo Wings to a whole new level! http://t.co/3f3rMYcwMS

    But, here at BuzzFeed India, we believe in speaking truth to power. So our journalists have been working relentlessly all day to come up with the hard-hitting questions India should be asking.

    For instance:

    1. Where was the official cattle rearer appointed to keep airport bovines safe?

    2. Can we even be sure that all Indian airports have such an official in place?

    3. How many flights take off in India everyday without their runways being pre-checked for buffalos?

    4. Was this truly accidental?

    5. Or did a hostile force notice the potential for a breach and plant the buffalo?

    6. Did the buffalo plant itself?

    7. Is all this just for wordplay? Did the buffalo just want to buffalo us?

    8. Is this a message from India's buffalo population to us humans?

    9. What could they want from us?

    10. Are they envious of their co-bovines – cows! – for the latter's divine and revered status in this country?

    11. Are they protesting the childhood taunt "Yellow, yellow dirty fellow" which ends with the victim "sitting on a buffalo"?

    12. Are they sacrificing themselves out of disapproval for Burger King India's recent announcement that no cattle will be on the menu?

    13. Was the buffalo acting alone?

    14. Or was he working with accomplices?

    15. Or was he merely a cog in a larger conspiracy?

    16. Have SpiceJet's competitors been questioned?

    17. Has it been considered that "Go" is an ancient Sanskrit word for "cow"?

    Buffalo hit by SpiceJet was trying to board plane: Sources

    18. How are we so sure that the buffalo wasn't about to board the plane?

    19. Hundreds of Indians aspire to move from smaller towns to the capital. Who are we to stand between a buffalo's hopes and dreams.

    20. Or wait, did the buffalo have political aspirations in New Delhi?

    21. If monkeys, dogs and langurs are allowed in the parliament, why not buffalos?

    22. Is India ready for a buffalo in power?

    23. On the other hand, was the buffalo just an innocent victim of larger structural flaws?

    24. How long can we let major institutions keep playing the blame-game and putting lives at risk?

    25. How many other animals have fallen prey to our laziness?

    26. How many human lives have been endangered by such security flaws?

    27. If a full grown buffalo can casually saunter on to the runway of a boarded plane, who else can?