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Zelda Williams Found This Precious Photo Strip Of Her And The Late Robin Williams While Cleaning In Isolation

Some positive corona-related content!

Social distancing is now our new normal, and a lot of people are using this time to be extremely productive! One of those people is Zelda Williams, and while deep cleaning her home, she found this old photo strip of her and her late father, Robin Williams.

Isolation spring deep cleaning is turning up some fun old gems:

Zelda Williams has been keeping the spirit of her late father alive and well. First with her Genie moment, and now with this rediscovered photo!

After a deep dive on the internet, it looks like these pics are from 2006, when Robin made an appearance on TRL — with JoJo — promoting their movie RV.

Talk about #TBT!

@cadlymack Yep! Went with Dad and @iamjojo when I was like, 16? 17? Roundabout that, haha.

So hats off to TRL for making these pics possible.

Like, look at this?

My heart...

I hope these pics brought you as much joy as they brought me.