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The Internet Is Sobbing After Robin Williams' Daughter Did The Disney Character Filter On Instagram And Got The Genie

Thank you for this, Zelda Williams. 😭

If you're on Instagram, you've probably seen more than a few people on your timeline try out that viral filter that tells you which Disney character you are. (I got Elsa, thank you very much.)

Well, Robin Williams' daughter, Zelda Williams, tried out the filter earlier this week, and the results were pretty darn amazing...

Because out of all the characters in the Disney canon, Zelda got the GENIE — aka the character her late father famously voiced back in the day.

Zelda then posted the Instagram video to Twitter, where it's since gone viral — amassing 2 million views and 134,000 likes in just a few days.

People are very emotional about the whole thing.

@zeldawilliams I was not prepared for this 😭

@zeldawilliams he lives in you ♥️

It's simply too perfect for words.

Lots of people are melting over Zelda's joyous reaction to finding out she got her dad's character.

@Charalanahzard @zeldawilliams Her reaction is priceless. You could still see the happieness there. ❤️❤️

And for some, it was like getting a brief glimpse of Robin again.

@zeldawilliams @Lupinfan83 You look so much like your dad when you laugh

Basically, it was a perfect thing.

@zeldawilliams That's awesome. Divine intervention for that for sure.

@zeldawilliams He's saying hello💙 🥺

Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go watch this beautiful clip 1,000 more times. Happy 2020, my friends.