17 More Underrated Horror Films You've Probably Never Seen, But Need To ASAP

    Don't call yourself a horror fan if you haven't seen these ~deep cuts~.

    A while back we asked ~die-hard~ horror fans in our BuzzFeed Community to name the most "underrated" horror movies of all time, and they DID NOT disappoint. Here are EVEN MORE movies you need to watch ASAP:

    1. Creep (2004)

    2. The Blackcoat's Daughter (2015)

    3. Wyvern (2009)

    4. Unfriended (2014)

    5. The Monster (2016)

    6. The Cured (2017)

    7. Cold Prey (2006)

    8. Grave Encounters (2011)

    9. The Night Eats the World (2018)

    10. Ghost Ship (2002)

    11. Last Shift (2014)

    12. Howl (2015)

    13. V/H/S (2012)

    14. Suspiria (1977)

    15. Ginger Snaps (2000)

    16. Session 9 (2001)

    17. High Tension (2003)

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    Some entries have been edited for length or clarity.