This Is A Tony Stark Appreciation Post Because I Appreciate Tony Stark

    No...WE are Iron Man.

    As wacky, wild, and weird as this may be to believe — the first Iron Man film was released 11 years ago TODAY on May 2, 2008.

    For those of us who've followed this character's journey from the very beginning, we've seen just how far he's come from where he started. Still, he's managed to remain one of the absolute best characters in all of pop culture (and, easily, the best Avenger — fight me).

    With this in mind, I've taken it upon myself to round up just a FEW of Tony's best moments over the years and, so we can ALL enjoy some Stark silliness, this post is SPOILER-FREE for Avengers: Endgame. You're welcome.

    1. When he said this line, which I've since made a personal mantra:

    2. When he constantly had his priorities in order:

    3. No seriously, this man just GETS it:

    4. When his eye-roll became the absolute best reaction .gif of all time:

    5. When he made this movie reference:

    6. Oh, and this one:

    7. And also this one:

    8. Here's a Broadway reference, just for good measure:

    9. And a TV one, too:

    10. Seriously, this man has a lot of time to consume pop culture:

    11. Heck, he liked that last reference so much, it made it into Thor: Ragnarok:

    12. How about when he referred to members of Congress as "ass clowns" TO THEIR FACES while live on C-SPAN:

    13. Or when he formed the ultimate "Science Bro" friendship with Bruce Banner and, often times, seemed to be the only one who didn't fear him:

    14. Also, like, his relationship with Peter Parker in general and how wonderfully pure it is:

    15. Seriously, we all would've watched a movie that was nothing but these two angels interacting for three hours straight:

    16. And, of course, when he was the EXACT type of guy to make the "sacrifice play" (all the time, EVERY time):

    17. But, above all, the fact that Tony Stark is the most amazingly self-aware human person of all time and we all love him for it:

    So now it's your turn. What's YOUR absolute favorite Tony Stark quote/joke/reference/moment? Share yours in the comments below!