Movies You Can Stream On Netflix Right Now That Are Just As Scary As "A Quiet Place"

    Keep that horror high going strong all week long!

    1. Hush (2016)

    2. The Descent (2005)

    3. Creep (2014)

    4. The Babadook (2014)

    5. It Follows (2014)

    6. The Eyes of my Mother (2016)

    7. Veronica (2017)

    8. Gerald's Game (2017)

    9. The Conjuring (2013)

    10. Raw (2016)

    11. The Invitation (2015)

    12. Train To Busan (2016)

    13. They Look Like People (2015)

    14. Oculus (2013)

    15. The Void (2016)