17 Movie Scenes That People Believe Are The Most Heartwarming Of All Time

    Pardon me while I cry at work.

    We recently asked members of our BuzzFeed Community, "What is the single most heartwarming movie scene of all time?" and they came through with some real tear-jerkers and heartstring-tuggers! So, here are just a few of the most wholesome movie scenes shared:

    1. The song scene, Coco (2017)

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    "When Miguel sings to Coco, and she remembers and starts telling stories about her father. I sob every time because it's just so gosh darn precious."


    2. The flying scene, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

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    Universal Pictures

    "This is an obvious one, but I just love the flying scene. The score by John Williams is a huge contributing factor."


    3. The coming out scene, Love, Simon (2018)

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    20th Century Fox

    "When Simon's mom gives the 'You can breathe now' speech to Simon. It feels like she’s talking directly to me and it makes me cry every single time. So many queer teens (including myself) don’t have parents as accepting as that, and that speech just warms my heart so much."


    4. The dance scene, Edward Scissorhands (1990)

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    20th Century Fox

    "When Edward watches Kim dance in the snow, and when they hold each other."


    5. The reunion scene, The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

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    Columbia Pictures

    "At the end, when Red and Andy reunite. It’s such a hard film to watch with such a heavy sense of injustice throughout. Then, right at the end, you get this beautiful reunion that somehow washes all the stress away. They’re both free."


    6. The ballroom scene, Beauty and the Beast (1991)

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    Walt Disney Studios

    "I'm 34, so it was the first film I ever saw in the cinema. I've seen it countless times since, but that dance absolutely never fails to fill my heart with joy."


    7. The confession scene, When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

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    Columbia Pictures

    "The New Year's Eve scene when Harry finally tells her all the reasons he loves her, and that he wants 'the rest of his life to start as soon as possible.'"


    8. The hug scene, Avengers: Endgame (2019)

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    Marvel Studios

    "When Tony hugs Peter after he comes back, and Peter’s like, 'Oh, this is nice.' You can see how happy Tony is, and how much he loved Peter and thought of him as his own son!"


    9. The return scene, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993)

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    Buena Vista Pictures

    "When Sassy, Chance, and Shadow all return at the end. Everyone's hugging and they're all so happy, and Chance realizes he has people he can trust and a home for life."


    10. The singing scene, Boys on the Side (1995)

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    Warner Bros.

    "When Whoopi sings 'You Got It' at the end. It rips me up every single time!"


    11. The film scene, Cinema Paradiso (1988)

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    "When grown-up Salvatore watches the special reel his mentor, Alfredo, left for him upon Alfredo’s death. Salvatore has become an important director, and the reel contains all the kisses the town priest cut from various films over the years. The exquisite music of Ennio Morricone swells up while Salvatore watches the forbidden kisses. Through his eyes, we see him remember Alfredo, his lost love Elena, and other memories. An incredibly beautiful and touching scene, it will make your heart burst with emotions."


    12. The competition scene, Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

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    20th Century Fox

    "When Olive’s whole family joins her on stage. Even though they’re all still going to have the same problems when it’s over, for just a few minutes, they all show their total support for Olive and prove they are a family and do love each other. They just let go and have fun; everyone else be damned."


    13. The adventure book scene, Up (2009)

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    "When Carl looks through the scrapbook that Ellie made, and she told him to go have a new adventure."


    14. The coronation scene, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

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    New Line Cinema

    "One single sentence: 'My friends...you bow to no one.'"


    15. The proposal scene, Crazy Rich Asians (2018)

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    Warner Bros.

    "One movie moment that always makes me feel SO full is when they're on the plane and Rachel accepts Nick's proposal. It's Rachel's mom in the background — she can't stop smiling and sobbing with that random woman on the plane, and the look she gives Rachel is just pure excitement and love. IDK how to explain it, but it always leaves me with the BIGGEST smile!"


    16. The airport scene, Love Actually (2003)

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    Universal Pictures

    "When Sam says goodbye to Joanna at the airport and she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before she leaves, and Sam turns back to his stepdad with the most triumphant little grin on his face and walks back toward him as the music swells and then he leaps into his arms. Some of that movie is trash, but I rewatch it every Christmas just to get to that scene."


    17. And finally: The ending scene, Dead Poets Society (1989)

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    Buena Vista Productions

    "I absolutely love the final scene. I watched it again soon after Robin Williams passed, and that was in my mind the whole time — never have I so strongly felt the urge to smile, cry, and stand proud and defiant on a desk to let someone know how much they were loved."


    Now it's your turn! What do YOU believe is the single most heartwarming movie scene ever committed to film? Share your pick(s) in the comments below!

    Some entries were edited for length and/or clarity.