"Birds Of Prey" Has A Trailer, And I'm Not Being Dramatic, It's Everything We Deserve

    Goodbye, "Hot Girl Summer." Hello, "Clown Princess Spring."

    It feels like it's been 84 years since we received our first teaser trailer for Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)* back in January.

    But it would appear that our collective patience has paid off in a big way this week, since we've finally received our first full-length trailer for the film. Just YES, YES, YES, YES:

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    Warner Bros. / Via youtube.com

    "I'll have what I'm having!"

    The story sees our beloved clown princess, Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), fresh out of her relationship with Mr. J, and you can tell she went through some stuff because she has a self-administered bob and bangs now.

    Alone with no "master" to serve, Harley seeks purpose out on her own for the first time, which is when she runs into a few other ladies with similar motives, forming quite the team.

    And — as if all of that isn't enough — Ewan McGregor is going to be the villainious Black Mask. EWAN OBI-WAN KENOBI MCGREGOR IS IN THIS FILM AS A SMARMY VILLAIN.

    It also appears that Harlz is getting a Marilyn Monroe–inspired musical number??? I promise you, I'd watch two straight hours of just this. I am this film's target audience.

    PLUS, she's getting at least one of her pet hyenas! This. Movie. Is. Giving. Me. Everything. I. Need.

    Overall, I'm getting BIG pre–The Dark Knight, '90s-era, goofy-and-shameless-as-all-heck superhero movie vibes, and frankly, I'm here for it all day.

    Also — random sidenote — but I really hope DC Comics attaches this trailer to screenings of Joker because that would be the absolute largest display of BCE* I've ever seen in my life. Please play my movie trailer before my clown ex's entire movie, k thanx.

    Anyway, I'll be counting down the days until this colorful, ridiculous masterpiece hits theaters Feb. 7, 2020!