Check Out This Dream Cast For The "Clue" Remake

    Did your favorites make the cut?

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us who they'd like to see in the upcoming Clue remake. The results are in! Here's your dream cast.

    Benedict Cumberbatch as Wadsworth

    Although it was pretty universally agreed that Tim Curry is virtually irreplaceable as Wadsworth the butler, Benedict Cumberbatch was far and away the top pick for a modern-day Wadsworth. And while, yes, Tim Curry was pretty much perfection in the original, this really, really works.

    Submitted by Jeri Dawn Lanenga, Facebook

    Aubrey Plaza as Mrs. White

    Aubrey Plaza is actually kind of perfect for this role. She would definitely put her own dark spin on Mrs. White, instead of trying to do an impersonation of the truly one-of-a-kind Madeline Kahn. She is hilarious and original in her own right, and that is just the recipe for a fresh take on a beloved character.

    Submitted by Eric Camarillo, Facebook

    Meryl Streep as Mrs. Peacock

    To quote Cam from Modern Family, "Meryl Streep could play Batman and she would be the right choice." And he's not wrong! Meryl Streep would be amazing as Mrs. Peacock. I mean, the woman can make any role her own, and she's proven that she has the comedic chops in movies like The Devil Wears Prada and It's Complicated. So let's just give her the Oscar already.

    Submitted by user k47e650d34

    Bill Hader as Professor Plum

    Bill Hader was the clear favorite in the comments to take over the quirky role of Professor Plum, and we think it's a great move. Bill Hader is just weird enough, while still being a really good, grounded actor. It's a pretty genius choice, you guys.

    Submitted by user juliannak4c1c54221

    Neil Patrick Harris as Mr. Green

    Is there anything Neil Patrick Harris can't do? The answer is no. So, of course, he would be a wonderful addition to this incredible dream cast. While he has been known to be a scene stealer (Harold and Kumar, anyone?), he's also proven that he can fit into an ensemble pretty flawlessly, too, with his work on How I Met Your Mother. Plus he looks really good in a suit.

    Submitted by user daisyh4e91b9f9e

    Nick Offerman as Colonel Mustard

    Ok, this was definitely one of the most popular choices for any of the roles listed and it's so spot on. I mean, besides the ability to grow a killer mustache, Nick Offerman has proven himself on Parks and Recreation as a subtle comedic genius. He would easily step into the role of Colonel Mustard and make it his own, while paying homage to the original. Submitted by user jordanmatthew10123.

    Jennifer Lawrence as Miss Scarlet

    Yes. Badass. Jennifer Lawrence was actually nominated for several roles by our commenters, but by far the most popular choice was for her to play Miss Scarlet. She's definitely got the fierce but funny lady thing down, so this would be a real treat!

    Submitted by user kandyroks

    TIE: Margot Robbie/Anna Kendrick as Yvette

    You guys were all over the place with your love for both Margot Robbie and Anna Kendrick. While we agree that they would slay in almost any of the roles in this remake, they both tied with the most votes for Yvette, the maid with many secrets. Honestly, we're torn between these two amazing choices as well.

    Submitted by matthewh4c7ff6ada and Kailey Lynn Kraushaar, Facebook

    Kristen Bell as the Singing Telegram Girl

    Well, we know that Kristen Bell can sing — thank you, Frozen — but she's also completely hilarious and adorable and would completely kill (or be killed, as it turns out) as the Singing Telegram Girl.

    Submitted by user chrisa443ec9017

    And of course, Tim Curry as Mr. Boddy

    So many commenters felt passionately about the fact that you can't remake Clue without Tim Curry, so the overwhelming response was to cast him with the perfect cameo as the ill-fated Mr. Boddy. What an amazing way to bring the whole thing full circle and give a delightful nod to the original classic.

    Submitted by Colton Alex Combs, Facebook

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