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15 Of The Most Surprising Baby Announcements Of 2015

Grab your tissues, folks.

1. Bun in the Oven

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Dana Griffin-Graves surprised her husband Arkell Graves with the news of her pregnancy with the classic "bun in the oven" reveal. The couple had previously suffered four miscarriages and one stillborn birth, so you can imagine why Arkell had such an intensely emotional reaction to the happy news.

Must-See Moment: At 0:48, Dana announces she's almost five months pregnant and that it's a boy. The tears start rolling from there.

2. Baby Food Surprise

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YouTuber Corey Williams was confused when his wife, Kristen, gave him a jar of baby food to sample during a fun taste test challenge. It took a little prompting from Kristen before he realized that the baby food was a hint of things to come. Corey could hardly believe it when Kristen told him, "We're having a baby!"

3. iPregnant

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This guy just got the best birthday gift from his wife. She handed him an Apple Watch box, but when he opened it, he was stunned to see a positive pregnancy test! His deeply emotional response is quite moving.

4. Whisper Challenge

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Husband and wife, Alexa and Drew Goolsby, decided to announce their pregnancy to Alexa's parents, Robert and Sharla Anderson, by playing the "Whisper Challenge," a popular game they'd seen Jimmy Fallon play with his guests on The Tonight Show. The grandparents were given noise-canceling headphones and were told to guess what Alexa was saying.

5. Spoon Announcement

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Cheryl Malik and her husband decided to spill their exciting news to Cheryl's parents over dinner. As her parents enjoyed their soup they discovered that their spoons were stamped with the words "grandma" and "grandpa."

6. Mom Peed Her Pants

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Lynnda’s daughter also used the popular "bun in the oven" clue to surprise her mom in this hilarious clip from America’s Funniest Home Videos. It took Lynnda a hot minute to understand what was happening, but when she finally figured it out, she lost control of both her mind and her bladder.

7. Best Christmas Surprise Ever

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Caryn and Brian Canatella confessed their exciting news by gifting their family with a DVD full of candid family moments. The movie ends with a sonogram of Brian and Caryn's child. The family FREAKS!

8. Ella Finds Out She's Having Another Brother

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Christina Grasso posted this video which captured her goddaughter Ella's candid and brutally honest response when her father told her she is going to have another brother. Let's just say she didn't take the news well.

Must-See Moment: This whole video is priceless, but at 0:26, when Ella's father explains that they are going to now have three boys and she will be the princess, her facial expression and response are EVERYTHING.

9. Adorable Irish Boy Gets His Wish

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Six-year-old Jake Dooley had the sweetest reaction when his mom, Teresa Dooley, gave him the news that his wish of becoming a big brother was finally coming true. Jake's parents gave him a series of cards saying things like "I'm sorry I took so long to get here," which Jake read out loud on camera. When little Jake finds out what it all means, he's reduced to tears in a very moving response.

Must-See Moment: First of all, Jake's adorable Irish accent will charm your socks off, but at around 0:35, your heart will melt when Jake sees the shirt that says, "This guy's going to be a big brother" and the photo of the sonogram, and rushes his mom with a big bear hug.

10. Best Big Brother Ever

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When Sarah Bromby told her son Ethan that he was going to be a big brother, the incredibly cute boy couldn't even believe the news. Ethan did a double take at the sight of ultrasound photos and kept asking his mom if the baby was really in her belly.

11. Justin and Emily: The Surprise

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You might know Justin Baldoni from the CW's Jane The Virgin, or from his epic proposal video that went mega viral in 2013. Now, Justin and his wife Emily are back at it with a charming video of them surprising friends and family, including the cast and crew of Jane The Virgin, with the news that they are expecting their first baby.

12. Surprise, it's TWINS!

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Since it was their third pregnancy, Jill and Shawn decided to wait until 20 weeks to find out their baby’s gender. They even invited Jill’s sister Kelly along, and she absolutely freaked out when it was revealed that they were having TWINS!

13. Best Kept Secret

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After an ultrasound let Korey and Sharon Rademacher know that they were expecting TWO baby girls, they decided to keep it all a big secret for a double-whammy of a surprise! When friends and family arrived at the hospital, they were only expecting to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. They were absolutely not expecting TWO babies!

14. Mom of Six Boys Learns She's Having A Girl

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Cher and Stephen Lair had pretty much given up on the idea of having a girl after giving birth to six sons. For their seventh child, they decided to have a friend bake a cake that would be either pink or blue inside to reveal the baby's gender. When they discovered they were having a girl, Cher's mind is ~blown~ and it's epic.

Must-See Moment: At 0:21 Cher gets a good look at the color of the cake and freaks the hell out. And you will too.

15. Babies Make Charlie Sick

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We’ve all seen those adorably sweet videos of pets meeting the family baby for the first time with happiness and love. This is not one of those videos. Like most new parents bringing a baby home to a pet, Charlie’s humans gave him newborn baby Sadie’s hat and blanket to sniff, to learn her scent. But as soon as Charlie hears “Sadie is gonna come home tomorrow!” he loses it. Literally.

Must-See Moment: The whole video is only 20 seconds, but the magic moment starts at 0:11.

👶 Oh, BABY! What a year! 👶