Today Is The AKA Sorority's Founders' Day, And Member Kamala Harris Celebrated In The Best Way

    Happy #FoundersDay, ladies! 💖💚💖💚

    If you’ve seen #SkeeWee trending on Twitter or noticed that your timeline is flooded with shades of pink and green, then you’ll know that today is Jan. 15 without having to check a calendar.

    A woman wearing a pink face mask with AKA written in green on it

    Today belongs to the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority Inc., a historically Black sorority founded exactly 113 years ago.

    In honor of the sorority’s Founders' Day, Kamala celebrated with an open love letter to Howard University, the institution where she ran for her first elected office and learned that although Black people may often feel underrepresented, they are “never alone.”

    “For me, Howard is home,” Kamala wrote. “At Howard, you can be a football player and a valedictorian. You can be a budding computer scientist and a poet. You can have a 4.0, intern on Capitol Hill, and still find time to hang out with friends on the weekend.”

    Howard University's library

    She continued, “For me — that meant going down to the National Mall to protest apartheid in South Africa, becoming president of an economics club, and joining the debate team.”

    She added, “It’s where I ran my first ever race for elected office. It’s where I joined my beloved sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha — and I’m so excited to be celebrating our 113th Founders’ Day today!”

    Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris posing

    Kamala finished with, “And along the way, Howard taught me that while you will often find that you're the only one in the room who looks like you, or who has had the experiences you’ve had, you must remember: you are never alone. Your entire Bison family will be in that room with you, cheering you on, as you speak up and speak out. We’re with you every step of the way.”

    View the vice president–elect's message in her Instagram post below: