16 Tweets You'll Definitely Laugh At If You're In A Longterm Relationship

    “Is this one of those things food will fix or are you fr fr mad?”

    1. This couple's shower curtain:

    If I walk in somebody’s bathroom and see this I’m walking right back out lmao

    2. This genius reply:

    I sent my man a pic of me in my mike wazowski onesie, and he said “unzip and send pic.” So I sent him this dhjsbdhdjs https://t.co/wiYlZ17Ocr

    3. A relatable reaction:

    me & my boyfriend after we agreed on being productive but take a 5hr nap instead https://t.co/h98ANzfv99

    4. This request:

    Idc how mad we is put yo leg on my leg so I can go to sleep bitch

    5. A wise piece of advice:

    my only advice is to marry someone who likes to leave parties at the same time that you do.

    6. This guy that just gets to the point:

    the guy that sits next to me in class is fighting with his girl and texted her and said, “is this one of those things food will fix or are you fr fr mad” admirable

    7. A real-life princess renouncing her title to marry for love:

    “I am filled with happiness," Ayako said after the ceremony. https://t.co/HngxSgxteI

    8. This couple's date night routine:

    My boyfriend & I go to a new restaurant every Friday night. We both order a cocktail, appetizer, entree & dessert. We take turns each week paying. phones aren’t allowed during dinner. We reflect on the previous week & make new goals for the upcoming week. I love it 😍

    9. And this adorable interaction:

    I love dating someone who gets excited over little things the way I do. My boyfriend literally rambled for like 10 minutes about how excited he is to go grocery shopping with me when we move in together lol

    10. This considerate boyfriend:

    The other night Isaac took off my lashes, placed them in two separate baggies and labeled them (L) left and (R) right so I wouldn't mix them up.... if this ain't big dick energy idk what is https://t.co/5knaVhuVBz

    11. This wife's hilarious reaction to her husband's request:

    I even garnished it. You’re welcome 😘 https://t.co/l3ZfdBSGd9

    12. This fear:

    "can you turn the fan off?" https://t.co/3hEaPPBHCJ

    13. This response with a little help from a friend:

    I dm’d this girl and her boyfriend sent me this back

    14. A cute date idea:

    it’s a date, but if you color outside the lines you won’t ever hear from me again https://t.co/ZqTKCbhWxc

    15. This photoshoot with a fitting background:

    16. And finally, this surprise appearance:

    That moment when Dave Chappelle photobombs your engagement shoot! It happened to a couple at an Ohio brewery. Photos: Jaycee Marie Photography https://t.co/o3RD4E4fTL

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