Look At The Awesome Reply To A Message In A Bottle "The X-Files" Sent A Little Girl

    The truth is out there...

    So. Back when she was a little girl, Heidi Grace Bleackley, like many kids, used to write messages in bottles.

    A little while after she dropped the bottle in the water, 11-year-old Bleackley got this envelope in the mail.


    When I got the reply from The X-Files, at first I couldn't understand what I was holding in my hands. Was it a joke? Was I part of some larger conspiracy from the X-Files? I was supposed to Trust No One! And why on earth did they need an 11-year-old smalltown girl for their plans? After much counsel from friends and family and all their friends and family, I determined that I was simply the luckiest message-in-a-bottle sender in the history of the world.Their letter response actually made me feel pretty embarrassed – I had a terrible time learning to spell, and I still mess up some pretty basic words (but thank goodness for spellcheck as you type!). I had wished they could have found one of my more practised oceanic notes, one where I took time to get it right. But they found what they found, and I was still glad for their response. I actually did work harder after that – I wrote my first book in high school and never looked back.

    And guess what's happened to Bleackley now?

    X-Files crew member, if you ever see this, you did such a good job. This is one of my treasured possessions. I was such a fan of the show then, and became The Biggest Fan Ever (TM) after you sent me this.

    We asked what her favourite episode was. Obviously we expected her to say "Tooms". But she didn't.