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14 Entitled Rich People Who Got Humbled Really, Really, REALLY Quickly By The Real World

"He had a full-blown panic attack when he learned none of us have personal yachts."

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us moments they saw rich adults get hit by the real world. The stories they shared were truly wild. Here are the best ones:

Note: Some submissions came from Reddit.

1. "A lady in a Cadillac Escalade hit my truck on the driver's side door so I had to slide across the seat to get out the passenger side. I was parked at work at the mall while I was inside, not moving. She quickly got out of her vehicle wearing a fur coat and her huge purse on her arm. She tried to immediately blame me for her hitting my truck. She tried to tell the cop that I pulled in front of her to beat her into the parking space. I just stood there shaking my head while the cop questioned her and she lied her ass off. He asked if I had anything to say. I said that my truck hadn’t been driven in four hours so the engine should be cold. It was about 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside then. The cop put his hand on my hood and said it was cold. Then I pointed at the security camera up on the light pole and asked if the cop knew if the camera was working. He said yeah, probably. She just glared at me and then said, 'I need to change my statement, officer.'"

"For an enjoyable couple of minutes, he lectured her on the penalties of filing a false police report, not just criminal, but that it could also lead to her insurance policy being canceled. She pulled away after it we exchanged our info but flipped me off. Her insurance company called me because she still tried to dispute the officer’s report. I told them about the cameras, and they said they’d get back in touch with me. The next day, they called to authorize me to get a rental car while my truck door was replaced. The cameras were working after all."


Cher from "Clueless"

2. "I worked at the reception at a vet. This snobby rich woman always tried to get out of paying for her dogs because she had rubbish insurance with loads of exclusions. She'd also always show up with no appointment and expect to be seen. When presented with a big bill, she said she was going to email our head vet to get a reduction. He came back denying her request and told her it was not our problem if she has a rubbish insurance policy, and she needed to pay her bill or we would no longer see her. This is also the same woman who would brag about her expensive house in France. We didn't see her much after that, thankfully."


Screenshot from "Do Revenge"

3. "I was in Vietnam, going out onto the ocean to help with a diving expedition for my mom, and we were informed the original yacht we were supposed to go on was having some 'technical issues,' and they we were going to have to take an equally nice, but smaller, boat. Fine, no one really cared, except one lady. This lady started an argument about how this was unacceptable and how cramped it was going to be and eventually started saying to them that she'd give them $10,000 so they could take her on the original yacht. So, they took her money, removed her from the group of people, took their gear, and took her to the yacht. We set off not cramped at all, though that might be because the aforementioned rich Karen wasn't there. We were told she would get to stand on the Yacht which had no motor. Hope it was worth $10,000!"


Screenshot from "SNL"

4. "I had a friend that had wealthy parents; therefore, she felt entitled to that wealth. Her dad owned his own company, and they were rolling in money by senior year of high school. She had her daddy's credit card and would take us out all the time, buy clothes, phones, and whatever she wanted. Daddy paid for all of it, but she was also a snob. She wouldn't come to my house because it was 'so small,' hated driving in my other friend's 'tiny used car,' and refused to go thrifting with us. When we turned 22, her dad's company went completely under, and they were in serious debt. They sold their home to move into a two-bedroom apartment. Their cars were gone; their credit cards were gone. Everything was GONE. And guess who we ran into at a thrift store? Yup."

"She had totally changed. She was a little embarrassed, yes, but her whole demeanor was quiet and soft, and she was happy to have clothes at that point. I commended her for her new humbleness and took her out to a huge lunch with drinks, LOL. We have since lost touch, but last I heard, she is trying to start up her own bar or cocktail business, so good for her."


Close-up of Alicia Silverstone in a kitchen looking stunned

5. "I worked in dietary in high school in a long-term care facility. I ended up training a 16-year-old junior in high school. At the end of the night, I swept the kitchen and dining room, then handed my trainee a bucket and mop and directed her to where the mop water faucet and chemicals were, then went on break. I returned from break to soap and water completely covering the kitchen floor. She informed me that she had never mopped before. As we clocked out, she then asked for a ride home at the end of the night, and I drove her to her family's MANSION. Apparently, her BMW was in the shop, and her mom (anesthesiologist) was working and could not pick her up."


Sydney Sweeney in "The White Lotus"

6. "When I was 22 and worked at a grocery store, a snobby rich lady cut in the front of the line because she said that she had 'important things' to do. I told her she couldn't cut the line, and she rolled her eyes and flipped her hair until the lady behind her, who was suppose to go next, pushed her, which caused all her food to fall on their floor. She fell on her bread, and the rich girl had to pay for all the food damages."


Regina George in "Mean Girls" on the phone

7. "A friend of mine argued with his dad about taking the family yacht out for the summer. He then proceeded to ask us all to help him in the argument. He had a full-blown panic attack when he learned none of us have personal yachts."


Screenshot from "Succession"

8. "A friend of mine was asked to do chores with me. She didn’t know how to mop, dust, or sweep. Five minutes later, she asked why we didn’t just have my housemaid do it. I didn’t have one."


A young person lying on their back on a bed

9. "I ran into a girl I went to high school with, and we hit off after years had passed and got to talking. She was 21 and just earned her PhD. She had a lot of money growing up. Her parents had paid for nice cars, houses, her education, and more until she graduated college, and then she was on her own. I kind of felt bad because she had worked really hard to earn her degrees, but she called me nearly in tears to ask me how to pay rent. I had to go over how to take money from a bank account, write a cashier's check, mail it in, and so on. All of these things were completely foreign to her. Even just having a bank account and tracking where her funds come from and go. She became quite successful but admittedly struggled through the basics and everyday chores for the first few years after college."


Screenshot from "Legally Blonde"

10. "My boyfriend grew up without a mom. He and his dad had a housekeeper, and he basically never set foot in the kitchen. He arrived at college not knowing how to do laundry. I had to teach him. He tried to thank me by making me pasta. He put the dry noodles in a frying pan with oil. He didn’t realize they were supposed to be boiled. There was a lot of smoke, but hey, he tried."


Screenshot from "Clueless"

11. "At the casino in the poker room, there was a kid who was hot stuff and a good tell. He got so many good hands one night, he hit his all-time cocky high. He played four hands after talking so much crap and saying his dad was paying for his college ride at a top college in the Midwest and how much he got a month for spending money (about $20k). This kid was riding high. He thought he was top dog, but he would get a small smirk when he got a bad hand. He tried to out-bluff the last guy still in on the table. He went all in (about $36k) with all his monthly allowance and winnings. The dude had a pair and lost to the guy with a royal flush. The look on his face with the eye twitch was soooooo priceless. I wish I had a picture."


A man leaving over a barricade

12. "My cousin was a little confused about why I couldn't afford to live on campus because for her it only cost $900 for the year. She then learned that $900 check her mom gave her on the first day was the deposit, and after that, her mom paid the remaining cost online."


Dre from Black-ish sitting on a couch and looking at Zoey

13. "A kid at my elementary school had filthy rich parents. Like, they bought him a Porsche for his 14th birthday before he could even drive. He also had two racing boats and another very nice car I don’t know the name of. All the way through high school, he was very conceited and spoiled. COVID comes around, and his dad who was a 'doctor' (owned a vitamin and supplement company that he didn’t do any of the actual work for) started doing COVID tests for people. After about three weeks of offering COVID tests with no insurance needed and requiring cash for an appointment, the small town's Facebook blew up at him for scamming people. Nobody ever got their tests back, and the dad was arrested for that and a few other fraud charges. They sold everything and moved away."


Young man sitting in the driver's seat of a sports convertible

14. And finally, "My sister-in-law married a spoiled rich boy. His dad was small-town royalty. His family had a generational business and had a bank account that would make your mouth water. He thought he was the heir apparently, and all was right with the world. Well, his dad left everything to his second wife when he died. His dad didn't leave him a cent. He cheated on his wife, treats everyone around him like peasants, and had the gall to think he is better than everyone. He also acted like a social justice warrior. One of those jerks who uses their political beliefs as an excuse to scream how morally superior they are. So, reality hits him like a brick after his dad left him nothing."

"He started going waaay off the deep end. He lost job after job after job. Apparently, 'working' at daddy's company didn't really prepare him to work for a living. He start ranting about how cruel the world is and constantly yelled at anyone that would engage with him. His wife was supporting their family while he threw hissy fits for a couple of years. Finally, his annoying behavior was finally enough, and they got a divorce. He moved out of town. He is still throwing a temper tantrum about this to this day."


Close-up of Brian Cox as Logan Roy sitting in a chair and looking at one of his children

Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.