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18 Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Put You In A Much Better Mood

"One small act of kindness can have such a positive impact."

1. This woman who surprised a teacher with a care package of school supplies.

Just got home from a 13hr day that’s got me feeling pretty overwhelmed as I prepare for the start of school Monday... & I find that @monicamomof2 has dropped off the most thoughtful teacher care package. 💖 Her families act of kindness truly made my day!

2. This man who stopped to help a stranger change their flat tire.

Thank you to the kind stranger who stopped to help me change my flat tyre (and by helped, I mean he actually did it all himself 🙊). Thanks for turning what could have been very stressful - into a lovely reminder of how one small act of kindness can have such a positive impact 💕

3. This woman who tipped a mourning server $200.

My family & I went to have breakfast here in SA & our waiter lost a family member in the EP shooting & is leaving on the city bus tonight back home so my family & i decided to participate in the act of kindness & tip him $200...wish there was more we could do #ElPasoStrong

4. This guy who inflated a stranger's flat wheelchair tires.

Random act of kindness: Was on the way to the car in my manual wheelchair to go for a drive with a friend this morning, and dude in the local bike shop spotted my tyres were flat and came out with his bike pump. Legend! Made my day and our later stroll so much easier. 😎☀️

5. This woman who paid for a stranger's breakfast.

To the woman in the long queue in front of me in Pret this morning who spotted my NHS badge & paid for my breakfast with her order so I could get the bus that was about to leave for the hospital - your random act of kindness has already made my day! 😊 Thank you!

6. This guy at the gym who offered a stranger a pair of shoes to replace his damaged ones.

A total stranger came up to me and offered new shoes he had in his car that he said didn't fit. I declined-- I don't care for the condition of my gym shoes, plus his charity is better suited for someone less fortunate. Still, his random act of kindness truly made my day. Be kind.

7. This substitute teacher who left a principal a note about the great job he's doing.

Just as I was leaving the office after another late night I found this in my box. It was NOT what I expected.This small act of kindness from a retired educator helped me close this tough week. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us today Ms. Bailey. #TeamSISD #JDS #SEL

8. This jogger who gave the shoes he was wearing to a homeless man.

It was 9am in the WTC area, I watched as a jogger took off his sneakers, gave them to a homeless man, & walked the NYC streets barefoot. “Our character is what we do when we think nobody is looking.” ❤️

9. This student who left a really sweet note for their teacher.

A random act of kindness that made my day 😊 this will help me make it to Friday! #choosekind

10. This person who randomly sent their friend money to buy coffee.

It’s seriously the little things that count 💕 this literally made my whole morning. Such a simple yet very meaningful random act of love and kindness 😭🥺😩 @Alexisannnnn

11. This mom who left an uplifting note on her daughter's steering wheel.

Was having a super bad morning then came out to my car to see this. I love my momma... idk what I’m going to do without her next year :( never underestimate a small act of kindness! This little note made my day 100x better

12. This dude who gave up his window seat to a guy who had never been on a plane.

My new friend Jarvis, 38, had never been on an airplane before so I gave him my window seat. He was shaking with excitement the entire flight. One random act of kindness can make someone’s day.

13. This woman who gave the guy working at her house some food when she noticed he hadn't eaten all day.

Gotta give a shout out to my customer Ive been working at her house since 9 got done at 7 and as I was cleaning up she brought this out to me saying “you’ve been working here too long to have not eaten yet”😂 simple act of kindness but hey it made my day 🙏🏽 #FoodForThought

14. This random person at the vet who paid for the procedure for someone else's dog.

Random act of kindness when someone in the vets asks about your ex puppyfarm dogs being admitted for surgery and then later pays for Gina’s spay. I don’t know Mrs Llewellyn but she’s a bloody star. When so often We deal with the worst of humanity along comes the best. #lucyslaw

15. This random person who put kind words on all the doors of their apartment building.

Someone left these notes on all the doors in my building. Amazing random act of kindness. Made my day.

16. This man who paid for a stranger's groceries.

today while i was working, this old lady bought $200+ of items, and she was about to pay but then the guy behind her paid for everything. that made my heart so happy, remember to do an act of kindness every once in a while. 🥺

17. This random person who sent a woman a teddy bear to keep.

In the middle of a rough day today I hear I have a package. I go and check and what do I find? Someone sent me my own Paddington bear! Whoever performed this random act of kindness, thank you and who are you?! I teared up immediately, it meant so much! 😭💕

18. And these people who surprised their coworker with the heartwarming gift of song.

So every Thursday since my bestie died, I’ve done a random act of kindness on a Thursday of something she’d enjoy and called it #BeMoreJess and today my office surprised me and gave me the most gorgeous gift. They came in singing “You are my Sunshine” I have no words. 🌻