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Oakland Police Hospitalize ANOTHER Military Veteran

Former U.S. Army ranger Kayvan Sabeghi was badly beaten with batons by Oakland police as he was on his way home from an Occupy demonstration Wednesday night. Sabeghi, a local business owner, was denied medical treatment for 18 hours while in jail and is now in intensive care with a ruptured spleen.

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Via news.yahoo.com

"He was out there to support his city and to support his fellow Oakland residents," said Shoole Sabeghi, his older sister. "At one point he asked for some assistance [while in jail], and they told him to stop taking heroine ... They hurt him, and then they refused to help him."

Sabeghi is the second U.S. military veteran to suffer from serious injuries caused by the OPD during the Occupy demonstrations. Last week, marine Scott Olsen was struck in the head by a tear gas canister and will now need brain surgery in order to alleviate the swelling.

Both Sabeghi and Olson served tours of duty in the Iraq War.