The Week In Television, In Animated Gifs

    Over the past seven days, we learned a lot of new things about people we love: Pat Sajak used to get drunk on "Wheel Of Fortune," Chelsea Handler has an unwarranted distaste for Joan Rivers, and Mauirce Sendak is really quite hilarious for a crotchety old guy.

    Maurice Sendak and Stephen Colbert had the best interview of the week

    Pat Sajak admitted that he used to get drunk on the set of "Wheel Of Fortune"

    Jack Donaghy and Devin Banks changed the NBC mascot to a unicorn named "Magelica"

    Seal talked to Ellen about his split from Heidi Klum

    Jon Stewart shot down Newt's plans to take over the moon

    Guy Fieri eating in reverse haunted our dreams

    Alec Baldwin made fun of Piers Morgan

    We met a new redneck reality family

    Carrie Brownstein's iPhone died

    Katherine Heigl's daughter chilled with the ladies of The View

    Parks & Rec went bowling

    Blair Waldorf fist-bumped with guidos at her bachelorette party

    Robin Williams hung out with a two-headed monster

    Joan Rivers feuded with Chelsea Handler

    Tom Green returned to our lives

    Chuy inspected Lisa VanderPump's ass for implants