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Peter Thiel


Which Weird As Hell Tech Founder Are You?

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is probably just wearing an eye patch as some sort of twee affect.

This Man Helped Peter Thiel Demolish Gawker

Billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel did not come up with the idea to covertly fund lawsuits against Gawker Media. That credit belongs to an Oxford-educated man whom Thiel's inner circle calls “Mr. A.”

Peter Thiel May Be Looking To Buy

Lawyers for the Silicon Valley billionaire filed a motion in court on Wednesday to challenge a provision that prevented him from buying the assets of the now defunct That move lays the groundwork for a possible bid for the website and its archive.

Peter Thiel Has Been Hedging His Bet On Donald Trump

Peter Thiel has said publicly that Trump’s administration is “off to a terrific start.” Privately, he’s told friends that there is a 50% chance the current presidency “ends in disaster.”

Gawker Settles With Hulk Hogan: "The Saga Is Over"

"After four years of litigation funded by a billionaire with a grudge going back even further, a settlement has been reached," founder Nick Denton announced.

King For A Day, Tech Billionaire For Life

The recent attempts by tech billionaires to create utopian societies will have a high burn rate — if history is any guide. But it doesn't mean they'll stop trying.


The Real People Behind The Social Network Movie

Sorry for the lame title of this post! Moving on: I just watched The Social Network. It's really good, and it made me want to know what all the people in the movie looked like IRL, and what they're up to nowadays. So I looked it up, and now you're reading about it! Here's some background on the relevant people from the story.

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