21 British Men You Fancied In 2005 For Some Reason

    Featuring lots of short-sleeved shirts, denim, and ill-fitting suits.

    1. Back in 2005, Shayne Ward was breaking hearts in a black, short-sleeved shirt paired with a grey waistcoat and two diamond earrings.

    2. Because 2005 was a simpler time. It was a time when Simon Webbe coordinated his hat with his outfit.

    3. Calum Best layered a short-sleeved shirt over a plain white tee.

    4. And Ben Price knew that the way to our hearts was to dress exclusively in beige.

    5. Back in 2005, Danny Jones made the skinny scarf work.

    6. Paul Danan bought his shirts five sizes too big.

    7. And Craig David wore the finest metallic cardigan the world has ever seen.

    8. Jeremy Edwards knew that throwing a leather coat over a striped shirt and jumper was the way to look chic.

    9. And a post-spiky Gareth Gates was all about the ~layers~.

    10. Meanwhile, Anthony Hutton was making white suit jackets a thing.

    11. And Duncan James went one step further by dressing entirely in white.

    12. 2005 saw some slick dressers, like Gary Lucy in this phenomenal purple suit.

    13. And some more casual dressers, like Kenzie in as many loose-fitting clothes as he could get his hands on.

    14. Ten years ago, Charles Venn knew that blindingly white trainers paired with flared jeans and a sports jacket was a good look.

    15. Beautiful Lemar knew that the key to "smart casual" was a carefully coordinated beanie.

    16. And Charlie Simpson knew there wasn't a problem that hair gel couldn't solve.

    17. Daniel Bedingfield was a fan of a white tie on a white shirt.

    18. Will Mellor was a fan of a black tie on a black shirt.

    19. And Ben Shephard was just a fan of this one specific tie.

    20. Meanwhile Jamie Theakston just went open-shirted like the sex god that he was.

    21. And Prince William, dear Prince William, just enjoyed his life with a full head of hair.