18 Reasons You Should Be Watching "Celebrity Big Brother"

    Yes, really. Everyone saying it's rubbish is wrong.

    I know, I know. Everything thinks it's terrible now. But it's not.

    1. Emma Willis is so good she might even be better than Queen Davina.

    2. Carol and Charlotte are the cutest ever best friends.

    3. And Ron and Bruce had the greatest bromance.

    4. Some of the friendships are creepy though. Like Lauren and Courtney's.

    5. Mario's nice, not sleazy.

    6. And Lauren's a musical genius.

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    This is a thing that happened.

    7. Charlotte wet the bed and everyone acted like it was a normal thing to have happened.

    8. But maybe that's because she's adorable.

    Oh, Charlotte.

    9. Abz performed "If Ya Gettin' Down".

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    And it was the best thing that's ever happened.

    10. When he's not singing, Abz has an unexplained Jamaican accent.

    11. This is the bitchiest CBB house there's ever been.

    "You're a stupid gremlin," "Get over it you fucking botox trout-faced witch," and "He's such an angry fucker all the time with his stupid red tomato face," are all phrases that these irate celebs have uttered during their time in the house. It's so bitchy. We love it.

    12. For ages, everyone pretended this woman was a celebrity.

    13. Screech didn't get saved by the bell.

    14. Sophie kept pretending that she'd never had botox.

    15. Courtney forgets to wear clothes every single day.

    Literally, every day.

    16. And she did this weird smile when hubbie Doug came to visit.

    17. Also her swimwear is just so unsupportive.

    18. But the best thing about CBB is that sometimes Courtney's husband Doug Hutchinson hangs out in the audience with this handmade sign.

    What are you waiting for? Start watching already.