25 Nico Tortorella GIF Sets That Will Make You Thirsty

    This post is basically low-key pornography, and you're welcome.

    1. Here's Nico Tortorella.

    2. You may remember him from The Following.

    3. He was also in Scream 4.

    4. He's on Younger now.

    5. But none of this matters.

    6. Because this post isn't about any of that.

    7. It's literally just a bunch of GIFs to showcase how hot he is.

    8. That's it. That's the whole post.

    9. Here he is smiling. HOT.

    10. Here's another. ALSO HOT.

    11. Here he is laughing in a white t-shirt. HOT.

    12. Here he is taking his shirt off. 10/10 HOT.

    13. Here he is shirtless. VERY HOT.

    14. Here he is running his hands through his hair while shirtless. A+ HOT.

    15. Here he is and DO I EVEN HAVE TO POINT OUT HOW HOT THIS IS?????

    16. Here he is in a sex scene. HOT HOT HOT.

    17. Here he is kissing Adan Canto. HOT.

    18. Here he is wearing clothes again and YEP YOU GUESSED IT. HOT.

    19. Here he is moping. HOT.

    20. Here he is smouldering angrily. HOT.

    21. Here he is laughing. SO HOT.

    22. Here he is on a red carpet. HOT.

    23. Here he is with a black eye. STILL HOT.

    24. ...and here he is with that black eye, clenching his jaw. HOT.

    25. And here he is talking to your vagina. HOT.

    To borrow from Amanda Bynes, you can murder my vagina, Nico.