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    23 Hilarious Amy Poehler Quotes To Get You Through The Day

    In honor of her 43rd birthday.

    The BuzzFeed Community recently asked its Twitter followers to share their favorite Amy Poehler quote.

    Want to be featured in a BuzzFeed post? Tell us your favorite Amy Poehler quote to celebrate her birthday!

    Here are the most popular and hilarious results:

    1. On exercising.

    2. On not being pressured.

    3. On being a cool mom.

    4. On owning up to your mistakes.

    5. On girl power.

    6. On dealing with stress.

    7. On always giving people the benefit of the doubt.

    8. On doing what you love.

    9. On how to win an argument.

    10. On always being honest.

    11. On being a first-class poet.

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    Submitted by DigitalShalonda.

    12. On not being easily embarrassed.

    13. On how to be happier.

    14. On always speaking your mind.

    15. On being a better person.

    16. On how to grow as a person.

    17. On acknowledging the greatness in others.

    18. On never forgetting what's truly important in life.

    19. On not being afraid to ask for what you want.

    20. On always speaking the truth.

    21. On believing in yourself.

    22. On standing up for the truth.

    23. And on always sharing your love.

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