You Need To See This Photo Collection Of India's Alternative Music Scene

    Good music doesn't have an expiration date.

    India Sixties and Beyond Music is a Facebook page with a breathtaking photo collection of Indian bands and artists over the last 50 years.

    Not only is it a carefully curated selection of bands that helped develop the music scene in India, it also has rare pictures of some of India's most famous musical artists.

    BuzzFeed India caught up with 61-year-old Joseph Clement Pereira, the creator of the page and a die-hard fan of all things music.

    "I was in Chennai in 2005, and I bought a stack of Rock Street Journal issues in Moore Market. I cleaned him out of the RSJs. Must have been about 50 issues. My wife thought I had taken leave of my senses."

    Left: A young Usha Uthup.

    Right: The Abstracts, performing at a nightclub in 1968.

    "I wrote to musicians I know and told them about my idea for a page. They gave their blessings and told me to go ahead and use their photos, including the editor of Rock Street Journal (Amit Saigal). He has passed on."

    Amit Saigal, founder of Rock Street Journal.

    "People now know we are serious about promoting Indian music, bands and singers. We have not diluted it with foreign content, unless it is related. Like when Jimmy Page and Robert Plant jammed in Mumbai in 1972."

    Left: The Beatles in India, circa 1965.

    Right: Jimmy Page and Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, jamming in Mumbai in 1972.

    "My favourite picture is that of the band called Human Bondage (left). It was taken in 1970, I think. That is the band that inspired me."

    The band known as Human Bondage. Despite being one of the frontrunners of Indian rock music, they never released an official record.

    Mr. Pereira's beautiful collection of images offers us a chance to discover bands and artists many young music lovers in India may not even have heard of.

    Left: Shillong-based singer/songwriter Lou Majaw.

    Right: An old picture of the band Parikrama.

    It is also a fitting tribute to all the musicians who painstakingly helped create the alternative music movement in India.

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