This Is What Happens When You Try To Make A Pumpkin Spice Latte From Scratch

    Spoiler alert: It gets VERY messy.


    Fifteen minutes on the clock... AND AWAY WE GO!!!

    Some contestants emphasized the importance of the "P" in PSL and went right for the canned pumpkin.

    The line to make coffee was even crazier than the one to get an iPhone 6.

    Contestants got, um, for lack of a better word, very "creative"...

    CONCENTRATION IS KEY!!! And before they knew it, 15 minutes had come and gone.

    Oh yeah, things got REALLY dirty. And not the fun, Christina Aguilera-approved kind of "dirty."

    Next, it was time for our seven judges to get down to business. And they had their work cut out for them.

    Our judges tasted tastes they never had tasted before.

    And their stomachs were put to the TEST. Can you feel their pain?

    But our judges pushed forward like the brave souls they are, for a winner (or in this case, the person who made the least disgusting drink) had to be crowned!

    Drink A, crafted by Brian Galindo, aka "The Pumpkin Spice King," was inspired by the feeling of "being wrapped in a wool sweater on a cool day."

    Drink B, crafted by Lara Parker, aka "Pumpkin Spice Up Your Life," was inspired by the barista's love of graham crackers. "I put a lot of chunks of graham crackers to make it more of a meal, less of a shitty coffee drink," Parker said.

    Drink C, crafted by Leo Epstein, was meant to be "Liquid Unhappiness," according to the barista.

    Drink D, crafted by Kristin Chirico, aka "Plumpkin Spice Latte," was inspired by the spirit of "winning, and also making a mess."

    Drink E, crafted by Candace Lowry, was inspired by the barista's "basic roots" in a sorority. "I took memories of all my sisters during the fall in their Uggs and scarves, and put them into my creation," Lowry said.

    Last and unfortunately least, Drink F, crafted by Christian Zamora, aka "Pumpkin Spice Gurl," was inspired by "cold autumn walks in boots and zigazig-ah." That's a Spice Girls reference, FYI.

    Which means...

    Candace's Pumpkin Spice Latte is our winner!

    By the way, if you want to make an AMAZING homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte (maybe even better than Starbucks!), check out this recipe.