Lil Bub Gives Us Her Opinion On 27 Important Things

    I went to CatCon L.A. and grilled everyone's favorite internet cat on her ~likes~ and ~dislikes~.

    This is Lil Bub: part-time internet sensation and full-time feline.

    Like any discerning celebricat, Bub has her "likes" and her "dislikes." Lucky for me, I was able to grill her on her opinion on 27 VERY important things at the inaugural CatCon L.A.

    The left face means Bub approves, but the right face means a whole lot of NOPE.

    1. Surprisingly, Lil Bub is NOT a fan of pizza.

    Maybe she's on the paleo diet?

    2. Taking the last slice of pizza, however, is Bub-approved.

    As it should be.

    3. Lil Bub is NOT a Swiftie!

    Maybe she's #TeamKatyPerry.

    4. Beyoncé also received the paws-down from Bub.

    Don't let the Beyhive know!

    5. Looks like Bub is a fan of kale!

    Hey, eating healthy is cool!

    6. Lil Bub is also brave... She's not afraid to leave a voicemail!

    Being assertive is COOL, too.

    7. Having your read receipts on is a big no-no, according to Bub.


    8. Lil Bub isn't afraid to bring her iPhone to the litter box. Texting on the toilet is OK!

    Same, Bub. SAME.

    9. It's cool to not wear pants, so says Bub.

    Hard agree.

    10. Sorry guys, Bub weighed in...and bucket hats are a big fat NOPE.

    Someone needs to tell all those teenage boys.

    11. Lil Bub is cool with people posting baby pictures on Facebook.

    Babies are cute.

    12. But Bub is NOT down with couples posting engagement pictures on Facebook!


    13. Also not cool? Posting political opinions on the Facebook.

    Please stop. Now.

    14. Game of Thrones received the Lil Bub seal of approval!

    I should have asked her if she thinks a certain someone is REALLY dead.

    15. But our favorite feline has mixed feelings about Orange Is the New Black.

    After Season 2, that is.

    16. Lil Bub is a big fan of staying in on a Friday.

    Hey, who can blame her?

    17. She also is down for watching Netflix on a Friday!

    But really, who isn't?!

    18. Interesting... Lil Bub is a fan of the beach!

    Maybe she's working on her tan?

    19. But going to Disney is not a thing when you're Lil Bub.

    It has to be the crowds, right?

    20. Bub just isn't able to keep up with the Kardashians.

    Probably because she already broke the internet before Kim.

    21. HOWEVER, Lil Bub is a big Caitlyn Jenner fan.

    Yay Bub!

    22. Lil Bub, of course, thinks Mean Girls is GROOL.

    And she wants you to stop trying to make "Fetch" happen.

    23. Catnip: "NO," says Lil Bub.

    SRRY, catnip.

    24. Lil Bub, #GirlBoss that she is, loves a good catnap.

    We all need our beauty sleep.

    25. Lil Bub approves of mice.

    Because PROTEIN.

    26. Bub isn't DTD, however (down to dog).

    Sorry, pooches.

    27. And last but not least...LIL BUB LOVES SELFIES.