26 Excruciating Mispronunciations That Drive Pedants Up The Wall

    Hey, don't be such a pee-dant!

    Disclaimer: This was written by a Brit, so some of these mispronunciations are relative.

    1. "Pro-noun-ciation"

    2. "Ex-presso"

    3. "Vice-ah versa"

    4. "Pacific" and "pacifically"

    5. "Hyper-bowl"

    6. "Eppy-tome"

    7. "Supposably"

    8. "For intensive purposes"

    9. "Haitch"

    10. "Nuke-you-lar"

    11. "Lie-ay-zon"

    12. "Com-dom"

    13. "Ex-setra"

    14. "Ex-cape"

    15. "Lie-berry"

    16. "Cal-vurry"

    17. "A-crosst"

    18. "Nothink"

    19. "Ass-ter-ick"

    20. "Fuss-trated"

    21. "Hamp-ster"

    22. "Bay-nal"

    23. "Peng-wing"


    24. "Gif"

    25. "Pee-dant"

    26. "Levi-oh-sar"