Jason Statham Survived Driving A Truck Into The Sea Like An Ultimate Badass

    He's a real-life superhero.

    Everyone knows Jason Statham is the baddest, meanest action film star in the world.

    But you might not realise he's just as badass in real life, and survived being in the driving seat of a TRUCK as it fell into the sea while filming The Expendables 3 in Bulgaria.

    We were doing a stunt and Jason Statham was driving the truck. We were on the back of the truck, talking, drinking smoothies, like, yeah yeah...And we're on the edge of Bulgaria in the Black Sea; he literally is supposed to stop the truck, we get out, we shoot, the whole thing. [But] the truck doesn't stop. The truck goes into the Black Sea with Jason Statham driving.In your mind you have an action film where you're like, "I'm gonna grab the truck, I'm gonna do all this stuff," but I was like, "Jasoooooon!" I'm in a heap on the ground, he's in the water, in the truck, everyone's freaking out.He gets out, swims to the top. The truck is gone. We were supposed to be on the back of it.Let me tell you something: Jason Statham is a true bad, bad dude."

    Hang on, "Olympic diver?" you say? Yes! The Stathe was a professional diver, representing England at the Commonwealth Games in Auckland in 1990.

    The film that nearly killed him – and which features almost every action star from the 1980s, and Kelsey Grammer – had its premiere in London last night.

    The lesson from all this? It takes more than conventional weapons to touch the Stathe.

    You have been warned.