56 Things I Learned At The Biggest Christian Music Festival In The World

    100,000 Christians and I spent the weekend together at Mount Agape Farm in Western Pennsylvania for the 34th annual Creation Fest. Read this post and you can get a good idea about what that was like.

    1. National Pro-Life Cupcake Day is on October 9.

    2. Every single secular product has a God product rip-off.

    3. A pickle is the mascot for pulling up your pants for Jesus.

    4. Some Christians are apparently really into Doctor Who.

    5. You can pimp out your Bible with Bible cover swag.

    6. Auntie Annie's is a really Christian company. Their pretzel logo has a halo over it.

    7. Cool Faith has the best Christian logo.

    8. Creation is probably one of the only places where KONY is still taken seriously.

    9. This is the guy that makes all of those outrageous, borderline offensive Christian bumper stickers.

    10. Christians are really against casinos.

    11. The genital warts one was the least popular.

    12. Actually, this stand was the ONLY place in the entire festival where there was something anti-gay.

    13. Abortion seems to be the biggest issue for everyone at Creation.

    14. These babies were really popular.

    15. The best/creepiest "Scripture Tag" was the one of the lady hugging words.

    16. 23 seconds.

    17. No one really ever goes to the prayer tent.

    Not sure why, it had a pretty sweet fountain.

    18. This exists.

    19. As does this.

    20. The water sprayers had the best/sweetest job at Creation.

    21. Being labeled a Jesus Freak is now a positive thing.

    22. You can find free prayer and hugs are everywhere.

    23. There is a company called "Live Offensively" whose sole purpose it is to create products that are offensive.

    24. (Some) Christians don't like Mr. Rogers.


    It's also totally normal to have your own private port-a-potty at Creation.

    26. AIDS in Africa is a really big thing for Christians.

    27. Hallelujah Highway is a seriously amazing name for a road.

    28. Awesome Grillmasters Lounge is also an amazing name for a food place.

    29. Watch out for stray water balloons.

    30. Never hand out your own literature at Creation.

    31. A grill on the back of a semi-truck is a great idea.

    32. Exists.

    33. "Poop On Satan" is the best Christian bumper sticker ever.

    34. "Honk if you love Jesus" needs to be retired.

    35. Creation is probably 70% teenagers.

    36. Never go on your honeymoon to Creation.

    37. Christian album covers can be really cool.

    38. She's my favorite Christian popstar.

    39. Jesus has the best Facebook.

    40. Carrie Underwood has the best wall post.

    41. If you want to get a good seat, you have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning.

    42. "Rock For Life" has, by far, the best anti-abortion mascot.

    43. Slugs & Bugs is the 2nd best Christian kids singer's name.

    44. Christian yoyos exist.

    45. There are also Christian card games.

    46. And an Apples to Apples Bible edition.

    47. Writing in a journal is a really popular thing to do at Christian music festivals.

    48. The seminars can be really emotional.

    49. You might be seeing a lot of black painted pinky nails soon.


    51. Every car should have a redneck window.

    52. Not cursing or using the Lord's name in vain for 2 days is unbelievably hard.

    53. Mosh pits at Creation are called "peace pits".

    54. Never get a "$1 Giant Pickle On A Stick".

    55. Watching someone be "born again" is pretty powerful.

    56. Even Christians are getting tired of Creed.

    Also check out my other Creation Fest posts: