26 Weird Things Kids Have Asked Mall Santas For

    The people of Reddit asked mall Santas to share their biggest WTF moments.

    1. “A remote control buffalo”

    2. "A new liver"

    3. "To destroy all Backstreet Boys CDs"

    4. "A unicorn that poops rainbows"

    5. "Plutonium"

    6. "A 'penis' book"

    7. "A fax machine"

    8. "Lasagna"

    9. "Nicole Scherzinger"

    10. "A live octopus or shark"

    11. "To change my name to Batman"

    12. "An 8-Track Player"

    13. "A gallon jar of pickles"

    14. "A live penguin and polar bear"

    15. "A box of condoms"

    16. "A flying pony"

    17. "A penis"

    18. "A lifetime supply of peanut butter so my dog will lick my face forever"

    19. "A live cobra"

    20. "A Nordstrom's gift card"

    21. “To know how elves reproduce”

    22. “Wots of fucks”

    23. “For the neighbor lady to stop coming over when my mom is at work”

    24. “A gumball machine filled with avocados”

    25. “Boobs like mommy"

    26. “To have some hair down there”