The "Meme History" Hashtag Is Basically How Teachers Should Teach History

    Why weren't we taught history like this in school?

    The hilarious Meme History hashtag, created by @Tylerlma, took over Twitter on Thursday. Here are the funniest and most creative interpretations of how historic events ~may~ have happened.

    1. When Mary had to somehow explain immaculate conception to Joseph...

    2. ...and when Peter wasn't tryna claim Jesus at all.

    3. When Cain pretended he knew nothing of Abel's highly suspicious disappearance.

    4. During the infamous Salem Witch Hunt, you know there were some folks who willingly gave up information.

    5. JFK probably tried to sink as low into his seat as possible as Marilyn Monroe sang to him.

    #MemeHistory Marilyn Monroe: Haaaaapy biiiiiirthdaaaay Mr. President 😘 John F. Kennedy: 😶

    6. Rosa Parks was so unbothered when she was told to give up her seat.

    7. When Judas avoided making small talk with Jesus because he knew he was gonna do something foul.

    8. And how the disciples probably reacted when Jesus showed them his cool new trick that involved water.

    9. Little Richard might've given a Prince-level eye roll the first time someone told him Elvis was the King of Rock n' Roll.

    Little Richard hearing Elvis called the King of Rock & Roll #MemeHistory

    10. And the folks who boasted about the Titanic's fortitude were in for an unfortunate surprise.

    #MemeHistory Everyone: the Titanic is an unsinkable ship! God himself could not sink her. the iceberg:

    11. Then there was this fairly accurate representation of how Christopher Columbus ~Columbused~ the Americas.

    When Columbus landed in the Americas #MemeHistory

    12. And how animals most likely reacted when Noah didn't choose them for the extremely competitive ride on his ark.

    13. It may be a myth, but just imagine how funny it'd been if George Washington were actually suspected of chopping down a poor fruit-bearing tree.

    14. That moment when Madame CJ Walker got her edges in ~formation~.

    15. Adam probably slept alone voluntarily when Eve disclosed her terrible news.

    16. Let's be honest, it's not like Abraham needed to be convinced too much to bed another person.

    17. OK, she probably didn't have cake, but everything else stands.

    18. When the Pledge of Allegiance didn't quite live up to its meaning.

    19. Coretta would save face while in public, but she probably gave Martin a very stern talking-to when his infidelities came to light.

    20. The true story of how Jesus convinced so many disciples to follow him. Hint: There was probably lots of alcohol.

    21. When Paul Revere proved he was two steps ahead of the British.

    When Paul Revere saw the British coming #MemeHistory

    22. And more recently, when there may or may not have been some funny business during the 2000 election.

    23. How some people felt President Bush reacted during Hurricane Katrina.

    24. When Harriet Tubman was fed up with the BS.

    25. Moments before the shot that essentially started the first World War, this is probably how it went down.

    Just 2 blocks away from where he would meet his death, Archduke Franz Ferdinand regards Gavrilo Princip #MemeHistory

    26. And that time President Nixon realized the jig was up.

    When they confronted Nixon about Watergate. #MemeHistory.

    27. When white people flipped the script on black people and tried to blend in.

    When colonialism ended and whites started calling themselves Africans & refused to leave. #MemeHistory

    28. When Columbus came through and started changing up a whole group of people's lives.

    29. And finally, when President Obama won the presidency in 2008 and walked in the White House like so.

    When Barack Obama became the first black President of the United States #MemeHistory