"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" 9/11 Poster Features Exploding Skyscraper

    A very unfortunate Australian gaffe. UPDATE: Paramount Pictures Australia has deleted the tweet.

    Today Paramount Pictures Australia tweeted this promotional poster for the upcoming "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" movie, to be released Down Under on September 11.

    One Australian tweeter immediately noticed the connection between falling turtles, exploding buildings and 9/11.

    TMNT opens on 9/11. Paramount promotes it with image of turtles falling from an exploding skyscraper.

    And the movie's trailer shows quite a few buildings falling.

    People falling.

    And people and buildings falling.

    The Michael Bay reboot is released in US cinemas on August 8. Not on 9/11.

    Paramount Pictures continues to have the official poster with Australian release date on its Facebook page. The account is liked by 6.3 million people.

    It's going to be an interesting meeting when US film executives realise what their Australian colleagues have done.

    Paramount Pictures Australia has deleted the tweet without comment.