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The Official Ranking Of Famous People Dancing In The Grammys Audience

If there's a bunch of music playing in a room, there's bound to be dancing. But that doesn't mean it's going to be good.

14. The Macklemore head nod:

13. The Robin Thicke and Paula Patton sway:

12. The Keith Urban head roll:

11. The Bruno Mars turkey neck:

10. The Sean Lennon banjo jig:

9. The Katy Perry shoulder shrugging:

8. The Ringo clap:

7. The Queen Latifah preach dance:

6. The Imagine Dragons full-body groove:

5. The Paul McCartney finger snap:

4. The Jayoncé body pulse and semi-Soulja Boy:

Yes. Good. Good.

3. The Steven Tyler hand jive:

2. The Yoko Ono shimmy and peace giver:

Yoko Ono came to the Grammys a regular old person and left the dancing queen of our hearts. #Blessed to have her.

1. The Taylor "these legs don't stop moving" Swift all-nighter: