27 Unexpected Things That Happen As You Get Older

    Is this a hangover or am I actually dead?

    1. You stop recognizing people being interviewed on the red carpet.


    2. You'll have a hangover but actually think you are dying.

    3. You won't have any idea about new apps.

    4. At one point, all of a sudden, you wonder who ISN'T having a baby.

    5. You are EXHAUSTED the next day if you don’t make it to sleep by 11 p.m.

    6. Your parents will stop paying for the cell phone and doing your laundry and you’re like, "This the brokest I’ve ever been."

    7. Your friends will update their Facebook status about big life events before literally even texting you.

    8. Your parents will turn your room into something unrecognizable.

    9. You'll start experiencing weird body aches WITH NO EXPLANATIONS.

    10. Your metabolism becomes as lazy as you are about going to the gym.

    11. People will start telling you that you look great (for your age).

    12. Clothes you wore as a tween/teen are now coming back in style and it’s scary yet also convenient.

    13. You start to look forward to the weekend so that you can SLEEP.

    14. You'll find yourself saying "Ugh, kids these days..."

    15. You feel an unexplainable rage to hurt any teen that says they "feel old."

    16. You begin to have to Google all abbreviations you see online.

    17. You'll notice something from the '90s described as "vintage" and want to die.

    18. You'll have to give up certain foods because your body will decide to develop HEARTBURN.

    19. You won't understand why shows from your youth (Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake) need a reboot because they were just on TV like five minutes ago.

    20. You'll say something like “Remember gel pens?” and be met with a blank stare.

    21. You will slowly start to realize that your favorite film came out over a decade ago.

    22. You'll deal with an existential crisis every time someone says that a song you listened to in college came out “when I was in third grade.”

    23. You'll come to the sick realization that people born in 2000 are now teenagers.

    24. You'll be horrified when you find out your celeb crush is 7 to 10 years younger than you are.

    25. You'll remember a time when “troll,” “favorite,” “follow,” and “like” had different meanings.

    26. You'll find a gray hair.

    27. And you'll have to deal with older generations shitting on your generation.

    But you know what? Even with all this, growing older rocks.