29 Amazing Things We Didn't Appreciate Enough In College

    Hop on the drunk bus and take a trip down memory lane!

    1. Being able to take a nap whenever you felt the urge.

    2. Classes that lasted less than three hours.

    3. Having, at most, one class on Friday.

    4. A guaranteed month off at Christmas time.

    5. Having a guaranteed summer break EVERY summer.

    6. Getting away with drinking cheap alcohol.

    7. Those sweet, sweet student discounts at your favorite stores.

    8. Having free transportation to the college bar of your choice.

    9. Choosing your own classes...

    10. ...and also the very underrated bullshit classes that just made your life easier.

    11. Three words: FREE. GYM. MEMBERSHIP.

    12. You can get away with not doing your homework or the reading, if you really want.

    13. Also, college sports are basically the best thing ever.

    14. Then there's all that "free" swag you get all the time.

    15. Yup, DEFINITELY all that food.

    16. Those incredible curves in those wicked hard classes.

    17. Group projects, because in retrospect, they weren't *that* bad in college.

    18. The ease of going out on weeknights.

    19. Cancelled classes, which were basically like surprise Christmas days.

    20. Pregaming, because duh.

    21. Getting back that textbook money at the end of the semester.

    22. Spring Break. Duh.

    23. The biggest work-related problem you had was figuring out how to add 300 more words to your essay.

    24. Summer internships, which were secretly kind of fun.

    25. Wearing whatever the fuck you want to class.

    26. Seeing your ex on the quad, because at the time, it was sort of satisfying.

    27. Having mentorship from professors so easily available.

    28. Real talk: THE HEALTH CENTER.

    29. And most important of all, being surrounded by your friends ALL the time.