25 Times You Realized Your Reality TV Addiction Was Out Of Control

    True Life: I'm addicted to reality TV.

    1. You're always waiting for the perfect moment to reenact the majestic table flip.

    2. Your life revolves around when your favorite shows are on.

    3. And you know the date of every single premiere for your favorite shows.

    4. You talk about reality stars as if you know them personally.

    5. All you think about during the day is what's going to happen on your favorite show later.

    6. You follow your favorite stars on every form of social media.

    7. If one of your favorite contestants leaves or gets kicked off, the whole season is ruined.

    8. There isn't enough time in the day to watch all your recorded shows.

    9. You NEED a friend who's willing to discuss the drama.

    10. When someone pisses you off, you picture yourself venting about them in an on camera interview.

    11. When someone texts you, you don't reply with words. You reply with GIFs of your favorite reality stars.

    12. You may or may not have missed your niece's birthday because of a season finale.

    13. Watching reality TV is the only therapy you could ever need.

    14. When you're feeling sad, you rewatch old reunion specials and instantly everything is better.

    15. You often imagine dramatic music playing under your arguments.

    16. You often use the phrase "when I get my own reality show..."

    17. NeNe is basically your religion.

    18. Your go-to motivational quotes are all from reality stars.

    19. You consider yourself to be a part of the Kardashian family.

    20. People give you shit for watching trashy TV and you're just like, "Can you be quiet? My favorite show is on."

    21. Tyra taught you everything you need to know about smizing...

    22. ... And always knew when to put you in your place.

    23. Friendships have ended over reality TV feuds.

    24. You constantly ask yourself WWALD? (What Would Abby Lee Do)

    25. You know there are probably better ways to spend your time...