White Llama Speaks Out For The First Time About His Daring Escape

    BuzzFeed got an exclusive interview with White Llama, and this is what he had to say!

    BACKSTORY: Today in Sun City, Arizona, two llamas made a daring escape from an assisted living facility and led authorities on a high-speed chase.

    BuzzFeed caught up with the (now captive) White Llama,* who gave us an exclusive one-on-one interview about him, his thrilling escape, and his relationship with Black Llama.

    Why did you both choose to escape?

    How do you feel about Black Llama being caught first?

    What are you planning on calling the movie about your great escape?

    Who should play you in the movie about your escape?

    What do you when someone is hitting on you at a bar, but you're not interested?

    What are your thoughts on alpacas?

    Do you prefer spitting or kicking?

    Describe Black Llama in one word:

    What's your biggest secret?

    REAL TALK: You didn't really get caught, right? Did you just give yourself up?

    Left Shark or Right Shark?

    What's your favorite thing about Black Llama?

    What's your favorite song?

    Do you have any final thoughts?