22 Times Shia LaBeouf Taught Us To Flawlessly Not Give A F&$%

    Thank bod for beef.

    Shia LaBeouf is a national treasure.

    1. Rattail? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    2. Rocking the Kylie Jenner lips before they even existed? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    3. Wearing a paper bag on his head? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    4. Wearing a boot cast with a suit? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    5. Shaving for a movie premier? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    6. Wearing clothes that fit? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    7. Faking a smile? Shia dosen't give a fuck.

    8. Having to be at ANOTHER movie premier he doesn't want to be at? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    9. Conforming to society's clothing standards? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    10. Wearing pink tights for charity? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    11. Walking around in another pair of meggings, while his girlfriend has on a regular outfit? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    12. Working out on the street? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    13. Or even stretching on the street? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    14. Canoodling with Megan Fox in front of the world? Shia gives no fucks.

    15. Manically grinning, while smoking a cigarette, and trying to avoid Carey Mulligan? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    16. Casually riding down the escalator while his girlfriend can't keep her hands off of him? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    17. Not showering, being physically dirty, and carrying a bag of ice? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    18. Choosing to read a book while dozens of photographers take his picture? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    19. Rocking extremely ripped jorts? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    20. Walking around his neighborhood shirtless, just because? Shia doesn't give a fuck.

    21. Carrying around a gallon of water instead of a "regular sized" water bottle? Shia really gives zero fucks.

    22. Being physically capable of holding back distain? Shia gave no fucks.

    Never change, Shia. Never change.