Celine Dion Had The Best Reaction To Ariana Grande's Imitation Of Her

    Oh, Celine.

    You might have heard by now that Ariana Grande is seriously amazing at doing imitations. When she hosted and performed on SNL last weekend, she did a whole bunch of amazing impressions. Her Jennifer Lawrence impression? On point.


    Her Britney Spears impression? On point.


    Her Shakira impression? On point.


    Her lovely nod to Whitney Houston? On point.


    But the best of the bunch was BY FAR her Celine Dion impression.


    It's not the first time we've heard it, Ariana gifted us the impression on Fallon last year.

    So how, you may wonder, does Queen Celine feel about this? Well, when Ariana stopped by to chat with radio show host Elvis Duran, he asked. And Ariana answered.

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    Apparently, Celine peed.


    Also, Ariana said she had the most fun of her whole entire life filming SNL.

    And that all her impressions come from a place of admiration.

    Sooo, can we please get these ladies to duet soon? Great, thanks.

    H/T Today.