25 Stereotypes Feminists Are Sick And Tired Of Hearing

    No, we don't carry around picket signs and burn our bras.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the assumptions people have made about them because they're feminists. Here are the cringeworthy results.

    1. "Feminists despise every man who roams the earth."

    2. "Female feminists never shave their legs or armpits."

    3. "They also never wear makeup or care about their personal hygiene."

    4. "Feminists have vowed to stay single forever."

    5. "And if they decide to get married, it's anti-feminist to take their partner's last name."

    6. "You're not a feminist unless you carry around picket signs and protest in the streets."

    7. "There's no way a man can identify as a feminist."

    8. "A female feminist doesn't use a tampon because it looks like a penis."

    9. "All feminists have aggressive and pushy personalities."

    10. "If you identify as a feminist, you're obviously attracted to the opposite sex."

    11. "A feminist's main goal is to make sure women overpower men."

    12. "Feminists don't have a sense of humor and can't make jokes."

    13. "Feminists are totally against having sex."

    14. "Female feminists don't like stereotypical feminine things, like flowers and dresses."

    15. "The only reason a woman becomes a feminist is because some guy emotionally rejected her."

    16. "The only reason a man becomes a feminist is so he can get laid."

    17. "Hillary Clinton is every feminist's favorite presidential candidate just because she's a woman."

    18. "The only reason female feminists become engineers is to spite men."

    19. "Feminists create fictional problems just so they can get attention."

    20. "Having children is also totally out of the question for them."

    21. "Female feminists never wear bras because they've burned them all."

    22. "You're only a feminist because you want to join in on the hype."

    23. "This whole feminism thing is just a phase in your life."

    24. "Feminists believe stay-at-home parents aren't really helping the cause."

    25. And the biggest misconception is, "It's a waste of time to be a feminist because women already have equality."

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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