Here Is The Weirdest Thing Bill Paxton Has Ever Done

    It involves dancing with a bunch of decapitated fish.

    This is Bill Paxton:

    You know him as the Mormon polygamist husband in Big Love:

    And he's the present day guy searching for the necklace in Titanic:

    And the tornado chaser/Helen Hunt romancer in Twister.

    Wait, who is this tall lanky fellow in sunglasses in a 1979 music video?


    One of Bill's first roles ever was in a 1979 music video for a weird art group called Barnes & Barnes called "Fish Heads".

    He didn't just act in it, he directed the video. Here is Bill hosting a birthday party for his fish heads.

    Who is this man who plays the bum?

    It's Dr. Demento!!

    Here is Bill ordering a fish head at the fish mongers and then everyone freaks out because they love fish heads:

    The video was played on Saturday Night Live in 1980.

    "Fish Heads" became a cult hit, and was one of the biggest hits on Dr. Demento's popular radio show. These gifs don't do its weirdness justice, you really have to hear the song:

    View this video on YouTube

    Take us to the chorus, Bill!