19 Reasons You Need To Rewatch The "Halloweentown" Series Right Now

    The four-part Disney Channel movie series is one of the best things about Halloween. Or, the first three movies are, anyway.

    Other Halloween-themed movies get all the glory.

    But there's another great, often-overlooked classic you should be watching this month.

    1. Halloweentown was a four-part Disney Channel movie series that aired between 1998 and 2006, and it was perfect.

    2. The series started off with a girl named Marnie Piper who, on her 13th Halloween, learns that she is a witch, who will be trained by her grandmother Aggie.

    3. Aggie takes Marnie to Halloweentown, which is an alternate universe created by and for witches/wizards, skeletons, vampires, trolls, goblins, etc. 1000 years ago to escape human persecution.

    4. The town cab driver is a comedian skeleton.

    5. Marnie is the perfect oddball protagonist.

    6. And Grandma Aggie Crowell is the perfect wise role model.

    7. Also, she had a microwave that had "Bubble," "Toil," and "Trouble" BUTTONS on it.

    8. And a hair dryer that was actually a flamethrower.

    9. You had a crush on Luke the goblin boy and didn't know why, but it turns out it's because he KIND of looked like Ryan Lochte?

    10. Also he was totally adorable in human form.

    11. And obviously Marnie was pretty crushable too.

    12. Halloweentown has a wall that faces pop out of, which is great.

    13. The first movie's bad guy (Kalabar) was TERRIFYING, which is how it SHOULD be in a Halloween film.

    14. The second movie's villain is named Kal, whom Marnie has a crush on because Cromwell witches love bad boys.

    15. And in that installment, Halloweentown has been turned black and white. So spooky!

    16. The third movie, Halloweentown High, is about Marnie's efforts to create integration between Halloweentown and the mortal world.

    17. This one also groomed a few future High School Musical stars, for which we owe it immensely.

    18. The fourth movie, Return to Halloweentown, swapped in a False Marnie and is best left ignored.

    19. Still, other witch-and-ghost-themed movies might be seasonally appropriate, but none so much as Halloweentown.