15 Struggles Only Reptilian Overlords Understand

    Oh no, got photographed with my slit eyes showing again, FML.

    1. This guy is always trying to blow your cover.

    2. You don't know whether this figure should be comforting or depressing.

    3. Knowing you could turn the wrong way, or close your eyes weirdly, and your true identity as a Reptilian Overlord could be revealed to the public.

    4. When you yawn just a little too wide and accidentally reveal your multiple rows of poisonous fangs.

    5. Everyone is always comparing you (unfavorably) to Beyoncé.

    6. Having to sit next to this guy at the quarterly meetings.

    7. Knowing it's only a matter of time until Master Rihanna just TELLS everyone.

    8. Scrolling through Tumblr and happening upon all the super dorky fan art.

    9. ... and the memes.

    10. Having to turn in domination reports to your non-physical or 'spirit' dimension bosses.

    11. Seeing rumors that certain undesirable humans are associated with The Brotherhood and not being able to correct them.

    12. You can't bring your favorite mug to work.

    13. You can't make a casual doctor visit without some creep making a big deal of it and uploading the video on YouTube.

    14. Nor can you simply roll out of bed and go to the diner for breakfast and read the paper.

    15. You've never known true love, because the human beings you seduce and impregnate in order to populate the Earth with reptilian hybrids don't (can't) know the REAL you.